Visual Milestones
Able to fixate to some degree
Follows slow moving objects with uncoordinated eye movements
Scans faces but only fixating at the edges (Fixates on hairline or edge of the face)
Appears to look “through”, rather than “at”, interesting objects
Gazes at light sources and will turn their eyes and head toward a source of light
Prefers to look at patterns that are large and of high contrast, like black and white
Can follow objects moving horizontally to midline
Can focus their eyes at approximately 1 ½ inches
Prefers faces rather than complex patterns
Can follow objects moving vertically
Can track more smoothly
Awake and looking around for longer periods of time
Develops protective blink reflex
Visual acuity is improving
Prefers colored objects to black and white
Social smile (by 3 months)
Peripheral vield responses within 60 degresss
Accomodates to different distance (by 3 months)
Watches toys that fall and roll away
Watches their own hands
Begins to reach towards objects and faces
Begins to grasp and manipulate toys and objects that engage their visual attention
Better control over their shift of gaze
Can shift their gaze across midline
Recognizes distance objects and faces up to six yards away (by 6 months)
Convergence is present (by 6 months)
Develops eye-hand coordination and grasp objects successfully (by 5 months)
Examines toys and objects with their eyes
Peripheral visual fields response within 180 degrees
Makes eye contact with an adult at several feet
Interested in looking at pictures in books
Recognizes objects that are partially hidden
Develops eye-hand coordination with small objects
Develops perception to size and form
Begins to look at mother’s face as a visual point of reference in ambiguous situations (by 9 months)
Proficient in visual exploration of novel objects and toys (by 9 months)
Enjoys playing peek-a-boo
Has full color vision
Increases looking during playtime with an assortment of toys
Maintains attention for the purpose of learning and exploring
Will visually search for a person or toy that is missing
Reaches or moves behind a barrier to find a toy
Recognizes four pictures of animals or familiar obects
Recognizes him or herself or one or two familiar people in photos
Imitates facial expressions
Interested in things that roll, cars, balls
Points to a distance objects outdoors, like the family’s mailbox
Names pictures of common shapes, like square, circle, & triangle
Stacks 8 or 9 blocks
Pounds pegs with a hammer
Points to a picture which represents a named action (girl riding in a wagon)
Names object in pictures as little or big
Assembles 2-halves of a circle like a wooden puzzle to make it whole